
Syed Mahmood-ul-Hassan Hashimi

(Ph.D. University of Erfurt, Germany)



Submission E-mail




Language of Publication



  1. Editor Humanities: Sardar Ahmed Farooq, Ph.D.
  2. Editor Social Science: Muhammad Ejaz, Ph. D (Sch)

Editorial Board

Editorial board of PRH is comprised of two sections.

  1. Editorial Team: It will be responsible for the provision of logistics.
  2. Advisory Board: This will be the academic body of nationally and internationally renowned subject experts affiliated with prestigious educational institutions.
Editorial Board

The editorial board of Pakistan Research Horizons consists of the following:

Editorial Team/Committee (provide logistics for the publication of the journal)

  1. Ghulam Mustafa                   Patron in Chief
  2. Mahmood-Ul-Hasan             Chief Editor
  3. Muhammad Ejaz                   Editor
  4. Sardar Farooq                       Editor
  5. Muhammad Zubair               Editor Statistics


B. Advisory Board/Committee (responsible for reviewing the policy and submitted manuscripts)

  1. Ghulam Murtaza,

Assistant Professor,

GC University, Faisalabad


2. Saba Zaid

Assistant Professor,

Sardar Bahdar Khan Women University, Quetta


  1. Atiq-ur-Rehman,

Director Institute of Economics,

University of AJK Muzzafarabad

2. Dr. Azhar Khan

Associate Professor,

University of Haripur, Haripur

3. Dr. Azkia Hashmi,

Dean of Social Sciences,

Hazara University Mansehra

4. Prof. Dr. Mirajul Islam Zia

Chairman Seerat Chair/Dean

Peshawar University Peshawar.

5. Dr. Muhammad Hamid

Associate Professor,

Government Postgraduate College Swabi

6. Dr. Altaf-ur-Rehman

Head of Department,

Hazara University, Mansehra

7. Dr. Ghulam Qasim Khan Marwat

Former Director,

Higher Education Academy of Research and Training

8. Dr. Fakhar-ul-Islam

Director, Pakistan Studies Center,

University of Peshawar

0919221413 & 03329080645
9. Altafullah Qasimi

Senior Research Fellow,

National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research,

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad

03455046584 & 09972896153
10. Dr. Sohail Farooq

Assistant Professor in Economics,

Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan

  1. How to submit the paper

The author should submit the paper via e-mail to the executive editor at editorprhgpgcmansehra@gmail.com.

PRH as per international requirements is a double-blinded peer-review journal and it sends the manuscripts to one international and one national reviewers. The contributors are required to submit their respective manuscripts duly at par with the journal’s manuscript preparation/authors’ guidelines. The editorial board makes sure that the contributors are intimated about reviewers’ decisions as soon as the evaluation reports are forwarded to the editor. The authors need to make amendments in accordance with the observations raised by the reviewers within the specified time, failing which the manuscripts will not be considered for publication.

The journal follows a systematic review and publication policy.

Step-1: The submitted manuscript is acknowledged within 10-15 days upon receipt.

Step-2: The manuscript is sent to two reviewers (paper without the name(s) and affiliations of the author(s).

Step-3: The editor collects the reviewer reports and sends them to the author(s) including all terms and conditions of the publication.

Step-4: If the paper is accepted, as it is, the editor will inform the author(s)/corresponding author. If the paper is accepted subject to modification, the editor will send the review reports to the author(s)/corresponding author including a formal request to modify the paper by seven days as per the suggestions of the reviewers. Upon receiving the modified manuscript from the corresponding author, it will be sent to the same initial reviewers for a second review. If the manuscript is again returned by the reviewers, the submission is rejected. The journal will no longer consider the manuscript for publication.

Step – 5: The accepted manuscript is processed for publication (soft copy) upon the successful completion of the journal’s terms and conditions.

Step – 6: The article is published online. The executive editor will notify the author(s)/corresponding author about online publication with the necessary download link.

  1. Plagiarism Policy

The plagiarism policy of PRH is same as of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) “Plagiarism Policy.” The link of main policy guidelines are as under;Link: https://www.hec.gov.pk/english/services/faculty/Documents/Plagiarism/Plagiarism%20Policy.pdf.

Only 17% similarity index is allowed, as per HEC’s rule; the editors have the right to allow the plagiarism up to 19% but in extraordinary conditions. The article that would have similarity index up to 40% would be returned to the author(s) for re-phrasing and won’t be sent for publications until it meets the required standards (17%).


PRH as per international requirements is a double-blinded peer-review journal and it sends the manuscripts to one international and one national reviewers. The contributors are required to submit their respective manuscripts duly at par with the journal’s manuscript preparation/authors’ guidelines. The editorial board makes sure that the contributors are intimated about reviewers’ decisions as soon as the evaluation reports are forwarded to the editor. The authors need to make amendments in accordance with the observations raised by the reviewers within the specified time, failing which the manuscripts will not be considered for publication.

The journal follows a systematic review and publication policy.

Step-1: The submitted manuscript is acknowledged within 10-15 days upon receipt.

Step-2: The manuscript is sent to two reviewers (paper without the name(s) and affiliations of the author(s).

Step-3: The editor collects the reviewer reports and sends them to the author(s) including all terms and conditions of the publication.

Step-4: If the paper is accepted, as it is, the editor will inform the author(s)/corresponding author. If the paper is accepted subject to modification, the editor will send the review reports to the author(s)/corresponding author including a formal request to modify the paper by seven days as per the suggestions of the reviewers. Upon receiving the modified manuscript from the corresponding author, it will be sent to the same initial reviewers for a second review. If the manuscript is again returned by the reviewers, the submission is rejected. The journal will no longer consider the manuscript for publication.

Step – 5: The accepted manuscript is processed for publication (soft copy) upon the successful completion of the journal’s terms and conditions.

Step – 6: The article is published online. The executive editor will notify the author(s)/corresponding author about online publication with the necessary download link.

The plagiarism policy of PRH is same as of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) “Plagiarism Policy.” The link of main policy guidelines are as under;Link: https://www.hec.gov.pk/english/services/faculty/Documents/Plagiarism/Plagiarism%20Policy.pdf.

Only 17% similarity index is allowed, as per HEC’s rule; the editors have the right to allow the plagiarism up to 19% but in extraordinary conditions. The article that would have similarity index up to 40% would be returned to the author(s) for re-phrasing and won’t be sent for publications until it meets the required standards (17%).

There are no hard and fast rules for structuring the research paper but there are certain steps (like Research Methods) which should be included. Additionally, there are certain important guidelines for constructing the important steps in the research paper.

  • Title Page and Information of the Authors:

The title page should be academic and concise. It should contain the title of the research paper followed by complete address and affiliations of the authors.

  • Abstract and Key Words:

An Abstract, with length not more than 200 words, along with maximum five key words should be sent separately to the editor. It should clearly focus on the ontological, epistemological and methodological dimensions of the study.

  • Introduction:

Introduction should comprise of the background of the study, highlighting major objectives and the research argument the researchers want to contend. It should also incorporate a concise survey of related literature.

  • Research Methodology:

Appropriate research methodology in accordance with the nature of the subject may be constructed under this section.

  • Conclusions

The conclusion should contain the summary of main arguments, contribution of research, main findings and limitations of the research and exploration of new areas in the same field.

  • Appendices:

Appendices should be identified as (1.1, 1.2) and there is no need to identify the single appendix. The Tables and Figures should also be identified with numbering like (1.1, 1.2) and there is no need to identity a single figure or table. Appendices, figures and tables should be put on the separate pages.

  • Footnotes

The footnotes should also be avoided and use them sparingly. Use the consecutive numbering to the footnotes in Arabic numbers. Write the footnotes in short and precise words and don’t make them too big.

  • Reference Style

American Psychological Association (APA) Manual (7th Edition) is the standard referencing style of the PRH.

  • Length of paper

The length of the paper should not exceed from 8000 words (Times New Roman, 12 Font). Paper containing more than 8000 words will be returned to the author(s)/corresponding author to curtail. Articles should be typed in double-space. (Including footnotes and references with wide margins) Authors are urged to write as concisely as possible, but not at the expense of clarity.


  1. Author’s Rights: The author holds certain copyrights with regard to his/her research paper. The author will have the following rights.
Reproduction Author can make the copies of the published work (online sharing on the social media platforms, without the prior permission of journal is prohibited)
Distribution The writer can distribute or sell the copies of his article to the people
Display Author has the right to display or perform his publication in public
Adoption The author has also the right to create the new work based on this work or to create the adoptions like translations.

Note: The Government Postgraduate College Mansoura has the exclusive right of publication, distribution and reception of any financial returns from the research papers. The college will also receive proper citation and attribution as the institution of journal publications. The research paper can’t be submitted for re-publication to any of the journal or periodical.

References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary.


Reference to a journal publication:

Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J. A. J., & Lupton R. A. (2000). The art of writing a scientific article. Journal of Scientific Communications, 163, 51-59.

Reference to a book:

Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style. (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan, (Chapter 4).

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

Mettam, G. R., & Adams, L. B. (1994). How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In B. S. Jones, & R. Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the electronic age (pp. 281-304). New York: E-Publishing Inc.

Reference to a web source:

Smith, Joe, (1999), One of Volvo’s core values. [Online] Available: http://www.volvo.com/environment/index.htm (July 7, 1999)